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Klimaneutraler Arbeitsweg verkleind

Business Bike Leasing and Tree Planting

Business Bike Leasing and Tree Planting Initiative for Sustainability and Employee Well-being at Morssinkhof – Rymoplast

The new year kicks off at Morssinkhof - Rymoplast with another initiative for greater sustainability: Introducing the new Business Bike Leasing program, we aim to promote the health and satisfaction of our employees while actively contributing to climate protection.

Through Business Bike Leasing, our employees have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of bicycles and e-bikes to use both professionally and personally by converting a portion of their gross salary. Opting for a business bike is not only cost-effective compared to leasing company cars but also environmentally friendly, as bicycles generate no harmful emissions. The offer is complemented by a comprehensive service and insurance package to ensure not only maximum enjoyment but also the highest level of safety.

The decision to implement Business Bike Leasing was driven not only by the numerous health benefits for our employees but also as a clear statement for carbon-neutral mobility in a time where climate change poses a central challenge. Morssinkhof - Rymoplast thus signals another commitment to innovative and green solutions in the corporate context.

However, our commitment to the environment goes beyond promoting carbon-neutral mobility. In collaboration with our leasing partner FairVenture, we support a reforestation project and, at the launch of the initiative, received a certificate for planting 252 trees. Additional trees are planted monthly, depending on the number of bikes leased. This collaboration is not only symbolic but a concrete contribution to reducing climate-damaging CO2 and promoting biodiversity.

The 252 trees represent a collective step in the right direction, acknowledging the urgency of measures to curb climate change. Morssinkhof - Rymoplast leads by example, demonstrating how a significant contribution to environmental protection can be made within the company.

Morssinkhof - Rymoplast invites customers, partners, and the public to actively participate in the discussion on sustainable mobility and climate protection, advocating for environmentally friendly solutions. Together, we can foster sustainable change and shape a green future.

In a time where every positive contribution matters for our planet, Morssinkhof - Rymoplast sets an example for increased sustainability in corporate life, encouraging others to follow suit. The Business Bike Leasing contract is not only a contribution to more fun and fitness for employees but also part of the solution for a climate-friendly world and a livable future.

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