Morssinkhof - Rymoplast, the art of plastic recycling
Morssinkhof – Rymoplast has a leading role in the European industry of plastic recycling. The family business was founded over fifty years ago and has been present in the market of recycling plastic scrapes ever since. We serve the European market, ranging from small companies in the plastics processing industry to the world’s largest multinational corporations.
Morssinkhof - Rymoplast has 10 processing facilities in Europe, each with their own specialism. We buy well sorted post-consumer and post-industrial plastics, after which it will be recycled into high grade sustainable raw materials for our group of international clients ranging from small companies in the plastics processing industry to the world’s largest multinational corporations. Our core business focuses on the recycling process of four different plastics: HDPE, LDPE, PET and PP.
As partner in plastic recycling, we are cooperating with organizations to optimize the loop of plastics. As a distributor of high grade sustainable raw materials, we enable manufacturers to produce sustainable plastic products and packaging.
The company has been founded in 1960 by Gertie Morssinkhof and his brother Jan Morssinkhof. Together, they started Gebr. Morssinkhof in the city called Vorden. During that time, this region was known for its’ high level of employment in the textile industry. Gebr. Morssinkhof worked for some major players within this industry, after which they came into contact with a rising industry focusing on creating products out of plastic. After Gertie saw this rising industry in the ‘60s, he chose to solely focus on this market. After starting his company in Zieuwent, Gertie moved to Lichtenvoorde.
During the first oil crisis in the early ‘70s, Gertie came up with the idea to recycle plastic. As of that moment, Gertie can be considered a pioneer in the world of recycling plastic. In the ’90s, Gertie decided to slowly pass the torch to his sons Eric, Rolf, and Stefan. Under their supervision and with Gertie’s vision of working, in which values such as creativity and collaboration plays a crucial role, they were able to let the company grow into the well-established European player in recycling as it is known today.
Nowadays, our approach is still based on the fundamental ideas of founder Gertie Morssinkhof:
“The reprocessing of plastics to a high grade recycled raw material is ecologically and economically justified, when the availability of well-defined scraps is secured and as long as there is an end market for the produced recycled raw material.”
In 2017, Ingka Investments (IKEA) bought a minority interest in Morssinkhof – Rymoplast. The participation of Ingka Investments is not solely a strategic financial investment in a growing industry, but is also supporting a sector which contributes to building a sustainable future.

Strategy and core values
Mission and vision
Vision: “Contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable environment by optimizing the usage of raw materials in plastic consumption.”
Mission: “Supplying high-quality recyclates to our international clients, consisting of plastic processors and final consumers, to support the circular economy.”
Strategy: “Focus on closed loop recycling driven by innovation and creating new partnerships.”
Core Values: “Creativity, Courage, Common Sense, Cooperation.”